الجمعة، 19 ديسمبر 2014

Metal definition and physical properties of metals groups

Metal (in English: metal) (called in some Arab countries in minerals) in chemistry word metal metal (originally Greek: Mitalon) concerned with the chemical element that loses electrons to be positive ions (cations) and no metallic bonding between atoms, also is described metals on it is a network of positive ions (cations) in a cloud of electrons. Located metals in the three groups of elements that characterized Ptoanha and their properties, and with the semi-metals and non-Vlzat.uand draw diagonal line in a league of boron to polonium table, this line separates metals from non-metals, and be located on this line elements are semiconductor metals, are the elements that Located right down the line are metals, which are located top left of the line are nonmetals. And non-metals are available in nature more than metals, but most of the metals are the periodic table. It is well-known metals aluminum, copper, gold, iron, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc. Pictures allotropes of metals tend to have luster, elastic, malleable, conductive, while non-metals generally be fragile (non-solid) metals without glitter, a buffer.
Physical properties
Metals have distinct physical properties: they are often shiny (with glitter), high density, and can be withdrawn, can tread, and often high melting point, it is also a solid and good conductivity of electricity and heat. This is because in general, few of intensity and freshness, while metals with a low degree of fusion temperature is active and can rarely presence in the metallic state racism.
And conduction property often occur because each atom be the electrons is very well connected in the final cover (valence electron), and on this form what looks like a sea around the nucleus of the metal cation conductivity causing property.
Most of the metal is chemically stable, it reacts with oxygen in the air to form oxides over time (iron rust over the years, potassium burns in seconds, silver lose their brightness in months). The alkali metals react quickest, followed by alkaline earth metals, which are found in the periodic table Ayman. Transition metals and take a longer time to oxidized (such as iron, copper, nickel) does not react while palladium, gold, platinum with atmospheric oxygen at all (and this is making formulated them). Some metals are coverslip layer of oxide on the surface and can not penetrate oxygen molecules and they retain this feature gloss and connectivity for many decades (such as aluminum, some kinds of steel, titanium, etc.). For other metals are painted Balboaat, Oopaltala electrophoresis to prevent oxidation.
Metals groups
Noble metals
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Noble metals (or precious metals) are those that are no pure Kvlzat in the earth's crust, not as part of other vehicles. These metals are copper, palladium, silver, platinum and gold.
Noble metals is interactive, and easily combine with other elements to form compounds. Because the noble metals is interactive, they do not corrode easily and used in jewelry and coins, and gold Allatvaal severe, nor the old gold pieces still shiny yet.
Alkali metals
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Alkali metals six highly reactive metals, including sodium, potassium, and constitute a Group I of the periodic table. Low melting points, melt potassium at -64 ° C, which is soft and can be cut with a knife, which is alkaline solutions when it reacts with water, so called alkali metals.
Metals, alkaline earths
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Metals, alkaline earths six metals, including magnesium, calcium, barium, and constitute the Group II of the periodic table, and there are these metals in many different minerals in the earth's crust. For example, there is calcium in calcite, and constitutes races in limestone and chalk. Alkaline earths metals less interactive than the alkali metals, which are harsher and have higher melting points.
Transition metals
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Transition metals metals can be regarded as perfect, they are strong and solid and shiny and has a high melting points, which is less reactive than the alkali metals and alkaline earths metals. Iron, gold, silver, chromium, copper whole transition metals. It is easy to set up, and it has many industrial uses and Kspaik alone.
Metals weak
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Poor metals group of nine metals: antimony, aluminum, gallium and indium and thallium, tin, lead, bismuth and polonium. They are classified in the group to the right of the transition metals in the periodic table.
Weak soft metals in general are not used very much alone. Nevertheless, many of which are used in the manufacture of useful materials. Aluminum a less dense metals. Lead the other hand is very heavy and is used in hospitals as a barrier buffer X-ray.
The alloy is a mixture of metallic properties and contains at least one metallic element. For example, steel (iron and carbon), brass (copper and zinc), bronze (copper and tin), the role of alumina (aluminum and copper). Often for special applications is the manufacture of alloys, such as jet engines, which contain more than ten elements.
-Ferrous metals
It is metals that contain iron.
Metals inert
It is those that are resistant to oxidation and corrosion may. Possible inclusion Kvlzat Nafisa. (Such as tantalum and platinum).
Precious metals
Are metals have a high economic value. Metals are considered chemically less active than other metals, shinier and Toaesela of electricity. It was historically used as a currency, but now is the basis of investment and industrial goods. (Such as gold, silver, and platinum).
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