Semiconductor metals (Metalloid) (Greek origin of the word means similar to the metal) such as metals and non-metals a chemical chains, and is characterized by certain characteristics in terms of ionization and bonding. Semiconductor metals have properties intermediate between the metals and non-metals, and there is no specific way to differentiate between the real semiconductor metals and ores, but overall the semiconductor metals are semiconductor rather than a buffer.
Semiconductor metals arranged by atomic number are as follows:
Boron (B)
Silicon (Si)
Germanyum (Ge)
Arsenic (As)
Antimony, or Alontimoan (Sb)
Tayloram (Te)
Polonium (Po)
In the periodic table, semiconductor metals located on the diagonal line from boron to polonium body and be in the top left of the line elements are non-metals, while the items in the line unfortunately right in metals.
Behave like metals is not limited to these elements, but there is also in alloys and compounds.
One of the definitions of the behavior of semiconductor metals is happening in the case of overlap between the package and the package delivery parity. Because this is happening in the semiconductor metals metals must have a density Ecot few pregnancy.