الأحد، 7 يونيو 2015

Chemical element titanium and uses and areas of raw

Titanium is a chemical element in the periodic table symbol Ti and atomic weight of 22. transition metal lightweight, strong, with a sheen and rust resistant (including sea water and chlorine), and color of silvery white metal.

Titanium is used in strong light-weight alloys (especially with iron and aluminum) and its compounds are more common are titanium dioxide, which is used in white pigments. It uses those white pigments: White means printing Correction Correction fluid, paints white. And it is also used in toothpaste, white road signs, and fireworks white color.

Titanium chemical element symbol Ti. It is a lightweight metal silver gray color. And atomic number 22, and atomic weight 47.867. Located between the density of titanium aluminum density and density of stainless steel, and melts at 1667 ° m (+ 10 ° m) and boils at 3287 ° m. Titanium resists corrosion caused by sea water or sea air, like platinum. In this feature stainless steel over. Acids or alkalis high corrosion on titanium and do not affect. A malleable metal, and has a power higher than the weight of steel rate. All these qualities make him Vlza of great importance.

The first commercial use of the Titanium is used in the form of oxide substitute for white lead in paint. The titanium dioxide or titanium mixture produce oxygen as a color chromosome white with high strength to cover the surfaces during paint. Titanium dioxide in floor coverings, paper, plastic and Chinese painting and welding rods and rubber industry is also used. The barium titanate, a compound of barium and titanium, it can be used as a substitute for crystals in TVs and radar and microphones and tape recorders. Jewels and make titania crystals of titanium dioxide. When cut and polished, the titania to become brighter than the diamond; though not in its hardness. The third use of titanium chloride or titanium mixed with chlorine in the work of the curtains of smoke and as a starting point for the minerals industry.

And it works as a titanium metal foundry important. Armed forces used massive amounts of titanium in aircraft and jet engines because it's strong and light. It also can resist temperatures up to 427 ° degrees C and Vlza that make it useful in multiple types of mechanisms. Because of the high properties, the Titanium for a number of potential uses, such as armored panels for ships and steam-turbine blades, surgical devices and instruments. And it will use the transportation industry huge amounts of titanium in buses and trains and rail cars, if you reduce the price of titanium so that competes with the price of steel, not corroding.

The existence of raw areas

Titanium comes rank Ktasa abundant element. But the difficulty of extracting the metal to make it a high cost. Never never be found in pure titanium case. It is found in Alaalmnat or rutile. It can also be found in magnetite Altetanomi, and Altinayat and iron. See: Alaalmnat; rutile; Altetanomi, crude.

Of the main producing countries Titanium Australia, China, India, Canada, South Africa, Malaysia, Norway and the United States of America. There are in all of Ukraine and Russia as well as large amounts of titanium deposits, but that production figures are not available.

Titanium is the first transition metal elements, and has a composition-mail Ar] 3d24S2]. Titanium and five natural isotopes of atomic masses sandwiched between (46) and (50) also has three isotopes of artificial atomic masses (43, 44 and 45).

Titanium elements of the wide spread in nature, comes in fourth place after aluminum, iron, magnesium, as an accounting in the earth's crust

About 0.63% by weight.

Discovered titanium from Vlzh known as ilmenite Elminite year (1790) by the English world, William Gregor William Gregor also discovered Vlzh known as Rutile Rutile year (1794) by the German scientist Klaproth Klaproth named by the latter titanium named after the children of Titan (Earthlings ) in Greek mythology.

The Alalimat FeTiO3 and rutile TiO2 of the most important metals titanium, two rife in the United States of America, Canada, India, Australian, Norway and other countries, and is limited to the importance of these metals in the preparation of titanium metal and titanium alloys and Oksidh with iron.

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